How is mephedrone use?
Mephedrone powder is use sniffed/snorte or swallowe. Swallow is the most common way of takin the drug. It is use mixed with liquid to drink or wrappe in a cigarette paper (known as ‘bombing’). There are also report of people injectin the drug.
Using mephedrone with other drugs
The effects of taking with other drugs – including over-the-counter or prescribed medications – can be unpredictable and dangerous. The following combinations could have the following effects:
the environment in which someone consumes mephedrone – whether it known and familiar.who they’re with if they indoors or outdoors the type of music and light. For example, using mephedrone in a calm, quiet and relaxed environment can lead to, or contribute to, a pleasant experience but being in a noisy, crowded place may result in a negative experience.
Being in a good state of mind, with truste friends and a safe environment before taking reduces the risk of having unpleasant experience.
If a large amount of mephedrone is consumed, it could cause an overdose. If any of the following effects are experienced, an ambulance should be called immediately by dialing triple zero (000).
- limbs tingling and turning blue (due to narrowing of the blood vessels)
- seizures
- respiratory failure4
- death.4,7
Long-term effects
- difficulty sleeping
- muscle spasms
- seeing and hearing things that aren’t there
- needing to use more mephed to get the same effect
- dependence
- financial, work and social problems.
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